Saturday, April 27, 2013

At least I got my friends

Maybe... I don't need to have a partner right now.
Maybe my friends are enough.
I won't be alone with so many people.
I don't need a boyfriend.
I can be happy without it.
And you too.
Stop having the pressure of searching for the right one.
It's gonna be awesome with friends.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sometimes. I wish. I want.

Sometimes it's me. Here. Alone.
Sometimes it's cold. In my heart. Now.
Sometimes it's messed up. In my mind.
Sometimes I'm sad. Even me.

I wish they would listen. And if they do, I wish they would care.
I wish they would help. And if they do, I wish they wouldn't do it to use me.

I wanna talk to someone. About my the tears at night.
I wanna walk with you. But I don't think I might.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Stop and Start.

Sometimes we should stop thinking about everything and start acting!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stop hurting someone

When you hurt me it was fine. But are you seriously doing all the same mistakes again to someone else?

So hey. Don't hurt anyone again. Fine. I will live with the pain. That you used me. It's fine. But don't repeat your mistakes. Just don't.
Don't you learn from your mistakes? Don't you?
Why did you not listen to me when I told you that it hurts? Why did you not stop hurting people?
Why do you continue?

And like every single time it turns out to be a great huge WHY?

And I just don't know the answer. I can just please you to stop. It hurts and maybe one day someone will hurt you back.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Friends? hm...

You want to be friends? Great.
You don't want to be friends? Even better.

But don't think you can show up in my life ever again...

Revenge is maybe wrong but at least makes sense to me. Being mean for no reason is just totally stupid!

Babies? Do you even know what I'm talking about? It's about a friend.
I was always there for my friend. But the friend just to go different ways. Should I be mad at my friend or just sad?
A person who doesn't want to be with me anymore is not worth it, right? But it still hurts... And it hurts to see the person and tell myself: "Don't talk!"
I don't want that this friend thinks I'm even sad about it. I won't show my emotions. I will be cold like Ice.
Let's see who lost a friend in here...


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The blame

I want to tell you the truth. The whole long lasting truth? No. Just a secret from my diary. A secret about what I'm thinking about. Something you maybe can identify with. Just maybe. Maybe it's the truth. Maybe it's a lie. But the uncertainty keeps it so mysterious...

Diary. My mistake.
I was asking myself why am I still awake? Why is it so hard to sleep? But actually i knew exactly why I couldn't sleep. It was all my fault. It was something i did on my own that didn't let me sleep. I hated myself. I hated myself when I did it and I still did it because i didn't want to stop it in that moment. I wanted to wring. For purpose. Something that felt so wrong. Guilt.i knew, I could get forgiveness for it. It was fine. But I worried much more about myself. Why did i do something, something I would judge everyone else for.
You always look at me like I'm so perfect. You think I'm doing no mistakes? You think I don't regret anything. Some of you think I just do what I want. You think I just follow my dreams and get my goals. You say I always get what i want. 
But no. No. I do mistakes too. Everyone, if one knows or not, has a weakness. All of us have at least one. And mine is just something special. I feel bad about when I always judge everyone else. I decided if it was right or wrong what you did. I always remember your mistakes. Every mistake. But now it's me. You know, it's hard to say you did wrong. It's hard to blame yourself for something. It's my fault - hard sentence.
I  regret. I did wrong. But I'm afraid of something else. Something stays. The fear of my weakness. What if it comes back and I will do the same mistake again? What keeps me from doing the same again?


Monday, April 15, 2013


The key to happiness is being thankful for the slightest reason.

What else could i say?
The sentence should say enough, right?

But, oh well, this is me and I couldn't just leave the sentence alone after I created it without saying anything about it. 

The key to happiness. What does that even mean? 
Okay, since you're asking... it's a simple way to be happy. All in all. Your whole heart, head, mind and body. 
How do you mean "being thankful for the slightest reason"?
Uhm, you know the word thankful, right? So being thankful just means not taking everything as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The slightest reason is actually just my simply way to tell you to be thankful for everything. Thanks for fresh air. Thanks for the fact that my feet don't hurt. Thanks that I can see the beauty of the world. 
So what? You are just thankful for everything and it makes you happy?
Yes. It does. 
Simply because let's you be depressed when you complain about your life. It makes you and others depressed. If you try it the other way around like thinking about all the good you got, you will realize life is not that bad as it seems to you first. 
Guess what? Here is what you need to do: Everyday find ONE story to be thankful for! At least one. I promise you will find more than one if you try serious. 
You got my promise. If not, i guess I'm a fool and you shouldn't visit my blog anymore. (I'm kidding... :P )


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Be this person

Be the kind of person who gets what you want without hurting anyone.

Please listen. It's important. Really. Okay? So...
How often did i tell you to be who you want to be, to do what you want, to go for it and to follow your dreams?
Many times.

And how often did I tell you to love others and to help your friends?

Well, Of course it's important for you that you do what you want. That you are yourself. Sometimes you should just do exactly what you need to be happy. Yeap. Because being happy is great. But it's even better if you are not happy alone. 
When I said "be the kind of person who gets what you want", i meant to listen to your heart. To do crazy stuff, something that's eventually just amazing for you. 
But when I said "without hurting anyone", i meant WITHOUT. The most important word in the whole sentence is without, because if you hurt someone with your deeds its worse than not following your dreams. 
It's because others come first and your dreams come after. That's how it is and it might sound boring to you, because that sounds like boring. 
But Look. If others are happy with you, it's even greater to be happy alone. Fine?


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Stop talking bad

Boy or Girl? I wanna tell you this one important sentence:
 "Please, stop talking bad about the only person, who is still on your side!"
Someone is your friend. Someone loves you. Someone cares for you.
   Someone can be everyone.
This person who actually likes you. You. The way you are and everything. This is the person you should be nice to, too.
Because this is the person who deserves it the most.

I know this girl who had a friend. And she started to hate her own friend because a boy liked the friend and not the girl. She was mad, pissed and started to hate her actual best friend. I just hope this won't ever happen to you. I want you to accept that some people will like your friend and not you. Sometimes your friend will be popular and not you. Sometimes your friend will be prettier than you. But this is life.
And I hope, when it comes to the moment and you face the person is maybe better in something, then I hope you don't hate your friend who loves you.
Because sometimes this friend is the only honest, true person you still have and you shouldn't give this person up for anybody or anything.

Love the person who is on your side.


Tuesday, April 09, 2013

I wished I would be a guy

My Life would be way much easier if I would just be a guy. I mean in general, you have no problems.

  1. You don't have to shave your legs
  2. You don't have to look cute all the time. 
  3. If you don't like someone you can just punch the person.
  4. You don't have to wear make-up.
  5. You don't have to wear Jewels.
  6. You can pee while you are standing.
  7. You can open your legs and nobody will think you're a whore.
  8. You can walk around without shirt.
  9. You can burp in public.
  10. You can do the first move.
  11. You can be physically strong without seeming weird.
  12. You don't need to wear a bra.

There's just one reason I want to stay a girl. Girls are prettier. :**


Sunday, April 07, 2013

"Awkward moment..."

Funny thing is: People posting all the "Awkward moment..." posts all over Facebook.
Let me say on little thing about it.

People are creating this Quotes easily with a usual situation from life.
They take a moment which is pretty normal for everybody. They put "That awkward moment, when..." in front of the situation. They are done posting it.

But actually it just makes you think that somebody out there in this world has the exact same thinking like you do. Wow. And you are kind of manipulated it you believe them.

I'm gonna try to show you with an example.

The page "Funnystuff" posts: "This awkward moment when you poop."
Now here are the User's comments:

Princess6407: What that happens to you too??? *___*
Ben.the.Player: True Story, Bro!
Flowergirly22: Hey, I know that moment so well. Wow.. :$
Johnthebest: These post always fit perfectly to my life. I was just pooping.

Well, I guess everybody cares so much about Johnthebest’s poop.
And we all wanted to know how the Story with Flowergirly22 continues, because it seems like she really needs to talk about her life story. 

How you see. It’s just a simple life situation. Written down. With awkward moment.
-          Like everything would be awkward, just because it happens to everybody
-          That awkward moment when you fall asleep and you start dreaming
-          Things happen
-          And we don’t need every freaking detail of them in a picture on Facebook
-          Nope we don’t.
-          So next time you read one of these. Think
o   Does it really just randomly fit to my life?
o   Or is there a background?
o   Because it’s happening to everyone.
That awkward moment when you look out of the window and see a tree…
That awkward moment when you have a friend
That awkward moment when you breath…. Wooow….


Friday, April 05, 2013

I hate Hate

Someone said once: If you have haters you're doing alright. 
Well, because someone else hates this person for doing something. It might be bad or good. It doesn't really matter, because it made someone else jealous or mad or anything. It just created hate. And this person probably told a friend about the hate he or she brings up to the other one. Now the friend told someone else about it and they gossip about it until the first person finds out that there is ONE person (maybe they never talked) who hates him or her.
Now, we have the permission to hate back, right?
But just why? Why? Why?
Isn't there a way we can live together without talking bad behind a person's back? Isn't it possible to accept that not everybody is doing exactly what we want and might be different than we are? Isn't it practicable to care just about our own business?
I wish people stop the hate. I hope people start to love for no reason. I want girls to say nice words about their friends when they're not in the room and I want guys to not call each other fat.
We shouldn't give HATE the chance to destroy our friendships. To destroy connections.
Perhaps we should not be happy for the misfortune other's. Probably we should share their suffering with them.
Perhaps we should not hate for the success other's. Probably we should be happy for them and celebrate with them.
Why don't we just stop thinking about us first and start thinking about them first?


Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Do what you want

Imagine a situation. You are a girl. You hang out with a boy a lot. Suddenly he stops talking to you. But you would feel stupid if you start talking to him. It doesn't matter if you like him more than friends or not. This is just what i tell you to do, K?
So first of all. You are NOT stupid. I don't know what's wrong with him, but he actually is the stupid one if he is not talking to you. And I don't mean, it's stupid of him to not talk to you. I mean he is stupid because of all the fun he is missing while not talking to you. But that's his problem. But still, I think you should go there and talk to him. Ask what's going on. Go for what you want, baby! If you want something, then just go and take it.
I know it's fine for you to just be friends, right? Well, maybe... (and this is just a possibility)... maybe he thinks you like him more than friends. I can imagine the feeling he would have. Sometimes I'm afraid that person could like me more than i do. Then i stop talking to the person, that he doesn't get the wrong impression. Really. And if you never talk to him, you can never find out. Just let him know that you don't like him more than friends. (In case you like him more than friends still do so, even if it's not true.) But if you don't want that, then don't do it. Just saying. Here is a little trick that could help. Tell the boy he is your best friend, like your brother or you just tell him about another guy you like. Then he won't think you like him. He won't think it's more than friendship. Because you wouldn't date your brother, right? (At least i wouldn't...)
What I'm telling you: You don't want to regret anything for being too shy to talk to someone. I regret many situations from my past when i was too shy. I really do. But it's okay. If you just are like that now. .... So just do what you want, do whatever you think is right. Don't hurt anybody. Yeah, don't do that, it's not a good thing. and ... uhm... be happy!


Monday, April 01, 2013

April. Again.

Dear Secrets&Quotes-Reader,

I'm back. A couple things happened in the last month, that's why I wasn't posting. I'm sincerely Sorry. :/

But NOW I'm gonna post again, and divulge some of the Secrets from the past...
Because so many secrets are in our life.

Love ya

S. A. Fink ♥♥♥