Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Cheating (2)

Did you read Cheating Part 1? Here is the second Part.

Here is another problem: The person who cheats with. Some people say this person has no mistake by doing it because he or she is probably single and did nothing wrong in that case. But if it’s not wrong is it right then? I have just one question: If you know somebody has a girl or boyfriend, is that right to kiss a taken person? Think about it. I hope your answer is no. Because if not, then I hope you will never meet a take person. Let me explain you why you shouldn’t be the one who cheats with:
It’s simple. So Let’s say you are a Guy or a Girl. (What else could you be...) And you have a Girl- or a Boyfriend. (Sorry, this little story is only for heteros...) So you really love your partner, right? At least in this case you do. Aww... so much Love. So yeah, and your partner is going somewhere without you. You trust your partner. Really you do. But everybody can do a mistake right? Everybody could just accidentally do something wrong. And then there is the opportunity for your partner to cheat. And you are just hoping that nobody does it, but there will be people who try to kiss your girl- or boyfriend. Are you not hoping that nobody would cheat with? That’s what I’m telling you. If you don’t want that anybody takes your partner, then don’t take anybody else's partner.
Both are doing wrong. The Cheater because of cheating. And the person who cheats with because that person took somebody else’s partner.

Continue Reading Part 3

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