Saturday, November 10, 2012


“Love is a really big thing. Maybe the biggest. But it has to be true love for both.  And if it is true love, you should fight for it. “- The Quote was actually in German but I translated it (sorry for my English) the author is probably unknown
August 2012
We all dream about the “Love of our Life”, don’t we? We want someone who is there for us. Someone, who cares about us. Someone, who loves us. Everything seems to be about love. Every Song, Every Book, every Movie. And then, if you watch the Movie, it only shows you how people look at each other and fall in love in the next second. And we believe: That is LOVE.
But what means Love really? Well, I don’t know. How should I? Does anybody really know? What I know about Love is that it is more giving than taking. Love means to be there if the person you love needs you. It means that you do stuff what you don’t want to do, but you do it because you love the Person. It means Listening and Helping. It is much more. But you should find it out your own way.
I think that wasn’t enough about love, but I don’t know what to say anymore. My final sentence will be: “If you really LOVE someone. Tell it!” I mean Love. Not a crush.

And don’t forget: I love you. ♥♥♥


  1. You really have gorgeous quotes!
    I love them! Hope there'll be some new soon :**

  2. awesome way to descibe love :) Fink-Pink :*


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