Tuesday, November 13, 2012


by Laura S.
Dreams. We can have them at night. There are wishes or fears. So how can we hope that all our dreams come true... if they are also fears. But our wishes they should come true. Sometimes we just have to do something special that they come true. We cannot expect that always everything works out well if we don't investigate some time or brave.
About our Daydreams. My Daydreams are always imaginations about situations how they will never come true. But i love my Dreams because they let me think that I can influence something and make my Dreamworld exactly like i want it.

I love you ♥♥♥

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is so LOVELY ! In fact i love the topic 'dreams' because we all have them and as long as they arent nightmares they always bring a little hope. well at least to me. I love that quote 'Legend says when you can't sleep at night you are awake in someone elses dream'..sounds a little creepy but it still is kinda nice..

    a beautiful picture by the way ;) :**


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