Friday, November 30, 2012

Something from My HEART (Part 2)

I have to write about him
Once again.
Because I finally realized it. I realized why I like him so much. Well, I better say, why I like to be with him so much. 

First of all. It is not about his look, money or popularity. There is something else what has a strong attraction to me. It’s the fact, that it will never get boring with him.
I never know, if he is telling me the truth or not and that makes it so exciting. One second he loves me and the next second he doesn't care anymore. That’s driving me crazy on one side and fascinating on the other side.

It is like he tells me to come to him and I come. He pulls me firmly towards him. Then he leaves. He leaves me alone. I want to follow him, but I know he doesn't want me with him. And suddenly he calls me and asks me why I am not with him. I’m mad, because he didn't want me first. But he tells me, that he didn't mean it like that and that he wants to spend time with me now. 

I found something out about him. Something bad. I didn't know what to do. Should I listen to people who see it objective or should I listen to my heart?

This is what I have to how I feel about him:

"Always when you said “I love you” you were lying. I knew it, but I wanted to hear it.
I knew I was playing the game, but at some point I started to like you."

This is how I feel or how I think. There is more than that, but I will talk about it another time.
You know: I love you. ♥♥♥

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Something from My HEART (Part 1)

"Did you ever have that feeling, when your heart really burns in your body? Do you know that when you think your heart got wings and flies through your whole body?
- Well, I had that feeling, before a sword tore my heart into pieces."

First of all. It wasn't actually a sword and my heart is not tore into pieces like in the movies. It more a symbol. I know, you are not stupid. You probably got that, but you never know who you are talking to if you just publish something in the internet and I don't want to get misunderstood. That would be terrible. Terrible like my feelings right now.

I'm actually not that kind of Drama queen. But since a time which I cannot really remember some things changed and now I am kind of a Drama queen, because I kind of over estimate some stuff. You probably don't want to hear something about that. More interesting is the fact, that there is something what really touched my heart and then destroyed it. And what else could it be, than a Boy?!

A boy, that you cannot imagine. I usually don't let a boy come so close to my heart. Why? Because he can break it. That's what the boys can do. They can break your heart without really realizing that they do it.
Since i know that, I told myself: "Never get heartbroken!" Easier to say than to do.
So I made up rules for myself. I wanted to follow these rules. It would help me. I wouldn't fall in love and I wouldn't get a broken heart.

  1. Rule: Never, never, never, let the Guy get the feeling that he is better/ higher than you.
  2. Rule: If there is a risk to fall in love with a boy or start to like him, Do never ever show your feelings.
  3. Rule: If a boy who is nice starts to want you, ask your self why? Answer: He doesn't like you. He only wants to have s** with you.
  4. Rule: Have many "boyfriends" that you don't get to concentrated on one boy
  5. Rule: Reject them. Don't be easy. Be smart and at least always smarter than him.
All this rule can easily be combined in one rule: "If he wants to play with you, play with him and be better!" That's what I thought would help me. Well, I guess it would have followed the rules. But unfortunately, I didn't. 

I continue later. Here is something from my heart: I love you ♥♥♥

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


by Laura S.
Dreams. We can have them at night. There are wishes or fears. So how can we hope that all our dreams come true... if they are also fears. But our wishes they should come true. Sometimes we just have to do something special that they come true. We cannot expect that always everything works out well if we don't investigate some time or brave.
About our Daydreams. My Daydreams are always imaginations about situations how they will never come true. But i love my Dreams because they let me think that I can influence something and make my Dreamworld exactly like i want it.

I love you ♥♥♥

Monday, November 12, 2012

Friend - Talking and Silence

I have this one friend. I know her since one and a half year and the funny thing about our friendship is, that we don't have any other friends in common. 
I don't even know her family. 
But we are in contact. We are writing E-Mails to each other constantly. Today I received an E-Mail from her with this Quote.

"The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, nerver saying a word, and walk away feeling that was the best conversation you`ve ever had."

I don't need to talk with her about everything. I only need to sit next to her. 

I just realized. I is really nice to have a friend and talk to your friend and then you listen to your friend. But Isn't it awesome when somebody is listening when you don't talk?    When it is silence?    Do you know why I love it so much? Because it means that your friend is not staying with you, because of what you are saying. Your friend is staying with you because of you. (Wow, that's so nice) 

Listen, I'm not telling you. Don't talk with your friends. I'm telling you: Talk with your friends, but also Listen. And do not only listen when they are telling you something. Especially listen when they are not talking. Hopefully you can be there.

Friends? I love you. ♥♥♥

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Action Movies

I love Action movies. But they are weird at some point. There is something in the movies what I am always wondering about. I mean: Why is it happening like this.

  •  A jump from a bridge on a moving vehicle
  • The moment when absolutely everybody is against the main character and the situation seems hopeless
  • The fact that thousands of civilians die, that that one person survives.
  • That suddenly everything is possible with a car without getting the car damaged or the passengers hurt
  • While the hero is attacked by 20 enemies, it is only about individual battles, in which the hero beats all of them, while the others are watching
  • Even if the Main Character has the weakest weapon at the beginning, it is always possible to win
  • They always have fight in a crashing plan
  • Everybody is shooting around, but nobody gets hurt

Can you think of something else? Write a comment!

And as always: I love you. ♥♥♥

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Miss Someone

Quote - Unknown
Picture - August 2012 (out of the plane)
If you read the "About me" part on the side, you might know, that I'm in America, but I'm actually from Germany. Yes, and here... I miss my friends and family sometimes. The Quote reminds me always that we are still all under the same sky and when we watch clouds or stars or the sun, we all see the same.
When I will be back, I will miss all my friends so much. I will cry. And I will look in the Sky and think: "We are still under the same sky and what ever happens the Sky will be over us."

Remember: I love you. ♥♥♥


“Love is a really big thing. Maybe the biggest. But it has to be true love for both.  And if it is true love, you should fight for it. “- The Quote was actually in German but I translated it (sorry for my English) the author is probably unknown
August 2012
We all dream about the “Love of our Life”, don’t we? We want someone who is there for us. Someone, who cares about us. Someone, who loves us. Everything seems to be about love. Every Song, Every Book, every Movie. And then, if you watch the Movie, it only shows you how people look at each other and fall in love in the next second. And we believe: That is LOVE.
But what means Love really? Well, I don’t know. How should I? Does anybody really know? What I know about Love is that it is more giving than taking. Love means to be there if the person you love needs you. It means that you do stuff what you don’t want to do, but you do it because you love the Person. It means Listening and Helping. It is much more. But you should find it out your own way.
I think that wasn’t enough about love, but I don’t know what to say anymore. My final sentence will be: “If you really LOVE someone. Tell it!” I mean Love. Not a crush.

And don’t forget: I love you. ♥♥♥

Don't judge people by their covers, most of their books are still being written.

Don't judge people by their covers, most of their books are still being written. - Author Unknown

Do you know what I hate? That people always judge each other. 
I mean, everybody judges you. 
If you eat - you are fat.
If you don't eat - you are bulimic
If you drink - you are an alcoholic
If you don't drink - you are a pussy
If you like to read - you are a freak
If you don't like to read - you are stupid
If you tell a secret - you are looking for attention
If you keep it - you suck
If you smoke - you think you are cool
If you don't smoke - you are a loser
If you have sex - you are a bitch
If you don't have sex - you are a prim
If you wear make-up - you are a barbie
If you don't wear it - you are ugly
They never accept you. No matter what you do. 

So just be yourself. Accept everyone like they are. 
But, do you know what is really hard. That even if you try to accept them all with their strengths and weaknesses their is no evidence that they do the same for you. 

I love you. ♥♥♥