Thursday, July 11, 2013

Singularity (2)

Here comes the second part of the song Singularity. (First Part click here)

People hide.
People are vulnerable inside.
People don't want to be recognized.
People don't want to be identified.
Because of others prejudices,
Nobody dares to disclose one's singularity.

I know your insecurity,
But you have to show identity, 
If you trust somebody, you could find out, 
that your singularity makes you proud. 

Show me who you are without you cover.
Stop trying to be like anyone other.

People hide.
People are vulnerable inside.
People don't want to be recognized.
People don't want to be identified.
Because of others prejudices,
Nobody dares to disclose one's singularity.

You have to have your singularity.
You have to share your singularity.

You have to love your singularity.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Singularity (1)

I think it's one or two years ago that my sister told me to write a song for her, because she needed it for a reason that I forgot. Here's the first part of the song.

Most people don't know who they are.
They lie to be someone who we love.
Are afraid we might find out who they are;
Afraid to be someone they didn't strove.

People hide.
People are vulnerable inside.
People don't want to be recognized.
People don't want to be identified.
Because of others prejudices,
Nobody dares to disclose one's singularity.

With their clothes and with their look, 
Trying to impress the big wide world. 
Their cars, their houses and where they are born, 
All this, they only do that someone likes. 

I don't want to see more of your outside appearance.
Don't see everybody as concurrence,
Show me who you are without you cover.
Stop trying to be like anyone other.

♥♥♥ Part 2 coming soon.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Social Life

People tend to brag with their social life in front of others. Only with someone they really trust they start to talk about how they really feel about friends and people they have to do with. So, we kinda of need our social life and our human connections. But what happens if we don't have if we loose these connections and this life? How does our life look when we don't talk to others? How do we feel, when nobody asks us how our day was? I think we need personal contact to feel alive. When we don't talk we can't share our thoughts. When we don't have someone who looks in our eyes, nobody looks in our soul and sees the real person who's in there. Imagine a life, where we don't have anyone. We wake up very morning, go into shower, eat breakfast and go to work. We work somewhere, where no humans are and we are always alone. How long would it take us to totally freak out? How long? When that happens we aren't alive anymore. We are just dead people who rest in a biologically living body. Let's never let it come so far. Let's keep our friendships alive. Let's create trust. Let's be together and not alone.


Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Cutest thing in the world.

For all of you who like puppies or dogs and all of you who don't like puppies and dogs:
Since I'm 11 years old I used to hate dogs. The reason is, when my cousin was young (and I mean really young) a dog bite her in her cheek. I don't remember how it exactly happened, but I guess it must have been horrible. Another cousin of mine was pushed so hard by another dog that he fell down and lie down in the grass. It must have been terrible for him, too. I'm not trying to generalize that, but I think that it's the behavior and the actions of a dog, which makes it unpleasant.
When I first met Hachi it was the same as always. He's the dog of a friend and even though it was outside of the house, he was barking the whole time and I had to be afraid that he's going to bite me in my leg. Of course the dog and me hated each other.
But today everything changed.
I was at my friends house and I don't wanna seem arrogant or conceited, but I think the dog fell in love with me. After a short time, he followed me where ever I went and I could pet him almost every where, where I wanted. It was amazing and I have to admit I fell in love with him too. Even my friend said, that the dog usually doesn't like her friends as much as he liked me.
Isn't it like in the perfect love stories, where two people hate each other first but then create the biggest love we have ever seen?
Of course I can't compare my relationship to a dog, to a couple of two humans, but I want to tell you something else with this example.
Sometimes in life the first try doesn't work. Sometimes we don't succeed by doing the first step. Sometimes we need to try again and need to do the first step again.
Don't give up, when it doesn't work the first time.


Monday, July 01, 2013

The purse.

Shopping is a way for women immerse into another world and forget what is bothering them.
After a a trip with my school class I went shopping with my friends, because we already were in a big city. Most of you should know the store Primark which initially comes from Great Britain. But thanks to globalization we have stores in Germany too and I can tell you it's one of the best clothing stores I know. Besides the fact that the clothes are incredible cheap, the clothes and especially the accessorizes are adorable pretty. When I was in Primark at that day, I found this purse. It's black and tiny and cute and it was Love at the first sight so I chose to take it. My friends first reaction was:
"Not really? You're buying a purse? You already have so many!"
It was an immeasurable extent of confusion in my head.
Weren't they the ones who taught me that I can never have too many purses?
I bought it. I didn't care about my friends advise to let the purse in the shop. I didn't make my decision up to them. But it wasn't because I don't like their advise. It wasn't because I don't care what they say.
I actually did it for two reasons.
First of all because the purse was awesome and it really matches my character.
The other reason is, that I hate when gives me an advise when they told me the opposite a short time before.
