Monday, July 01, 2013

The purse.

Shopping is a way for women immerse into another world and forget what is bothering them.
After a a trip with my school class I went shopping with my friends, because we already were in a big city. Most of you should know the store Primark which initially comes from Great Britain. But thanks to globalization we have stores in Germany too and I can tell you it's one of the best clothing stores I know. Besides the fact that the clothes are incredible cheap, the clothes and especially the accessorizes are adorable pretty. When I was in Primark at that day, I found this purse. It's black and tiny and cute and it was Love at the first sight so I chose to take it. My friends first reaction was:
"Not really? You're buying a purse? You already have so many!"
It was an immeasurable extent of confusion in my head.
Weren't they the ones who taught me that I can never have too many purses?
I bought it. I didn't care about my friends advise to let the purse in the shop. I didn't make my decision up to them. But it wasn't because I don't like their advise. It wasn't because I don't care what they say.
I actually did it for two reasons.
First of all because the purse was awesome and it really matches my character.
The other reason is, that I hate when gives me an advise when they told me the opposite a short time before.


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