Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Love Letter: The first one

Once someone, a boy, wrote a letter to a girl. She wrote a letter back:

I don't know what to say. I read your letter. Now I read both of them and I can't even say which one made me more cry. They are both so cute. So cute, that it just made me cry even more. You know, you always say "you have to get over this", but I don't want to get over this alone. I know you said "Life is there for being happy", but I just wished I could be happy with you. My face probably looks like crap, because tears are rolling down on from my eyes. I miss you so much. And it will never be the same.
You can be proud of me. I didn't cry for at least 15 minutes. Good right? But my face still looks super bad, because it is red and my hair is messed up because i didn't crush it and my eyes hurt, but I have a smile on my face. You know why? Because I'm happy I know you. And I'm so happy about every single word you wrote to me in the letter.
I have to go now. So bye, have fun... and I still love you. Smile!

But she never send it.

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