Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Need to breath

"I don't wanna hurt you but I need to breath" - Too Close

It's better to breath than hurting yourself. Even if you think you would hurt someone, then watch out. Because if you wait to long you could possibly hurt both of you.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Cliff

Falling in Love is like going on a really high Cliff.
You can enjoy the amazing view which you see from the top, but you also have to fear that you can fall down.
The more you Love the higher you come. And when you're at the highest point it hurts the most when you fall down...


Monday, February 18, 2013

My Heart's past

"My heart didn't break because of something he did. It broke because of something I did. In the exact same moment when I realized I left him forever my heart split apart. Sometimes I hope it can heal... Sometimes I realize it's hopeless."

My past.
My heart's past.

I had this feeling before. Do never let it come so far. Because the effect that comes after a broken heart is bad. And it's even worse, if your heart was not broken by someone, but by yourself. Because if that happens you can't even be mad at someone.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sometimes I don't wanna hurt them

Sometimes, You have to notice that life is not going the way you actually wish it right now and then you feel helpless. 
When someone extremely hurt you, then it feels like someone is pulling out your heart. Sometimes I feel like crying then.
But this time I will be strong and I won't give up. I will accept all the challenges life gives me, like i learned it. Human I love did hurt me. But I won't play a game with those who did play a games with me. Because if I would do that, I would do the same mistake as them and they would have to experience the same pain.
I will try be strong. Be myself and don't let anybody bear me down. And you should do that too.


Sunday, February 10, 2013


Hi Babies,
I have some News for you. That you don't get confused, I will start at the beginning:
Some Facts you need to know to understand my story: It's about me and some other people. (I hope that helps now...)
So I'm doing a work experience. My school made me do it. So I have really much fun there. And One day, I went to this place... Many 'Very Important Persons' are there. I was really happy I could be there, too. They showed me everything and I had the chance to see how it's working there. Pretty cool though. 
Then I had a conversation with a guy about something really special. It's very important, I guess. He talked about it like 30 minutes and I'm not lying when I say i actually listened to half of it.  I would have listened to everything, but I really needed to pee. And I bet you know how that feels, when you need to pee so bad, but you just can't go, 'cause you have to listen to someone's important life. It's so hard. But I was smart. At least I thought I am. I always said: "Yes" and "I totally understand what you are talking about and it's so freaking interesting." But accidentally I didn't remember a word he was talking about. And in the end, when he asked me if I have any questions, I just didn't know what to ask. I was thinking really hard there, 'cause it's so embarrassing when you don't have a question. Thinking and sitting what I could ask now. 'Whatever you ask, don't make it stupid!', I told myself. Don't ask anything stupid...!!!
Me: "I actually do have a question. Uhm... Is there a toilette anywhere?"
I realized that it was probably the most stupid question I could have asked, when the guy started to laugh hysterically. he laughed so much that I was afraid he is going to die because of eating his own tongue. Well. at least that didn't happen. I'm so lucky. And he actually showed me the toilette then. I was so happy.

The message for today is: Don't be shy to ask stupid questions. Because even if it's freaking embarrassing for you. In most cases you get what you want in the end. 
An important sentence you should know: Don't blame me for people calling you stupid after all.


Saturday, February 09, 2013

The NEW Era

Hello my lovely Audience,

I'm inaugurating a new Era. Are you excited yet? I promise you will.
If not... maybe you just don't get my humor. Oh dang... now I already let it out: My New Era is gonna be funny. At least for me. Just kidding.
I'm serious. I will change. Almost everything will be something from my life for your life to give you a small taste of the ridiculousness of Life.

Whatever is happening, I bet there can be something funny in every moment. Except funerals. They are sad. And natural catastrophe in a Third World country. That's horrible.

And for some of you, there will still be some Quotes in between.
Secrets will be there too. But you might not get, that I'm talking about them, 'cause they will be hidden in a joke. Isn't that exciting?

Visit my Blog tomorrow and Check out what the New Era really means.


Friday, February 08, 2013


If you are really New on my Blog, you might wanna check it out first. Scroll down, look at the side bar or read some Posts.

Read my Favorite Quotes!
Find out something about the author (Me)!
Check all my Posts from January 2013.
Or guess what I say about Myself and why I write this Blog.

But if you already know most of the stuff that is going on and you can think of something to improve or you just want to say how you like Secrets&Quotes, then you have the chance to give your own personal Feedback. I promise the Blog will just be like you want it!


Thursday, February 07, 2013


Let's talk about a topic that is really new for all of us... Just kidding it's Love again. But... nope: I'm not talking about Love anymore. I don't want you to get the feeling it's the only thing i'm talking about. 'Cuz it's not. I'm also thinking about other stuff... like the effects of Love.
Did you ever hear the Quote:
Love: Friendship, what are you there for?
Friendship: I wipe up the tears which are your fault.
...So it tells you one thing: Love always hurts. But let's see Is it really Love that's hurting. Maybe it's something else.
My friend told me "Love is no what's hurting you. Being alone is hurting even worse."
Cheating, no trust, Hate, Arrogance and Selfishness are effects which hurt you. We always connect them with Love. We should be consciously about that Love is on the good side.
You wanna know something more about Love? Check it out!

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Cheating (3)

First check out Cheating Part 1 and Cheating Part 2 before you read this last part!

But why is cheating so wrong? Many guys and girl these days don’t even know why there is  problem with doing it. ‘Without cheating there is just less fun!’ ...,they say. It is wrong because: It hurts really much. It hurts the heart of somebody. It makes people cry. It destroys relationships. It takes the trust away and offers fear. It makes people lie. It takes the hope. It takes the purity of Love. It ruins Believers. It supports Liars. It makes people think bad of others. It takes friendships away. Is there not anything good about it?
You might think, all of that above is a little too much. But no! It happens. People are hurt. And people stop to believe they will meet someone who actually cares about them one day. It destroys friendships when the Cheater, the Cheated on person and the Cheated with person are friends.
All in all, it’s not a good thing at all. It’s just bad. Even if you think it’s fun for a second. it always breaks at least one person’s heart.


Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Cheating (2)

Did you read Cheating Part 1? Here is the second Part.

Here is another problem: The person who cheats with. Some people say this person has no mistake by doing it because he or she is probably single and did nothing wrong in that case. But if it’s not wrong is it right then? I have just one question: If you know somebody has a girl or boyfriend, is that right to kiss a taken person? Think about it. I hope your answer is no. Because if not, then I hope you will never meet a take person. Let me explain you why you shouldn’t be the one who cheats with:
It’s simple. So Let’s say you are a Guy or a Girl. (What else could you be...) And you have a Girl- or a Boyfriend. (Sorry, this little story is only for heteros...) So you really love your partner, right? At least in this case you do. Aww... so much Love. So yeah, and your partner is going somewhere without you. You trust your partner. Really you do. But everybody can do a mistake right? Everybody could just accidentally do something wrong. And then there is the opportunity for your partner to cheat. And you are just hoping that nobody does it, but there will be people who try to kiss your girl- or boyfriend. Are you not hoping that nobody would cheat with? That’s what I’m telling you. If you don’t want that anybody takes your partner, then don’t take anybody else's partner.
Both are doing wrong. The Cheater because of cheating. And the person who cheats with because that person took somebody else’s partner.

Continue Reading Part 3

Monday, February 04, 2013

Cheating (1)

Right or wrong? 
Well, I just guess if I would make a survey about it 99% would say it’s wrong. It’s a our human moral that people just think if you are in a relationship you should not be kissing or do other stuff with somebody else. Then why are still so many people cheating on each other?
First problem is always the person who cheats. I mean, if somebody cheated on somebody, then do they even love the person? I guess some people love their boy or girl friend and they still cheat. Let’s think about it: You love someone. You want to be with that person. You care about that person and you would do anything. Alright, so far. If you cheat on that person, why does that happen? Is the Cheater not even strong enough to stay with one person and to only kiss one person? Is one person not enough? I think it is. Some people have nobody and then nobody should take two then.

What I’m saying is. The Cheater is doing wrong. It’s a huge mistake and it might be forgiven by really good human ...but not by everybody.

Continue Reading Part 2
